Smart Math Formula TrapeziumSmart Math Formula Trapezium, a trapezium is a shape with four sides, that has one set of parallel sides.
Trapezium/Trapezoid :

Area of Trapezium = ½.[a + b].h

where  = a, b = sides, h = height 

Perimeter of Trapezium a+b+c+d

Note : sides = a, b, c, d  


Trapezium using the sides length a= 6, b=3 and the height 4.
The Area is....
Question : Find the area. 
Area = ½ . [a + b] . h = ½ . [6 + 3] x 5 = ½ . 9 .4 = 18.
Trapezium using the sides length a= 6, b= 3, c= 4 and d= 6.
The Perimeter is.....
Question : Find the perimeter.
Perimeter = a + b + c + d = 6 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 19.

That example Smart Math Formula Trapezium how to calculate the Area and Perimeter of a Trapezium.